Education: Schools

Here we provide summaries of our holdings for primary schools, secondary schools, further education institutions, colleges, and special schools. For fuller details please contact Powys Archives.

Breconshire (Ref: B/E) [140KB]

Montgomeryshire (Ref: M/E) [41KB]

Radnorshire (Ref: R/E) [27KB]


Board School: a school established by a School Board following the Education Act of 1870, usually in areas where there was inadequate provision by British or National schools.

British School: a school originally established by British & Foreign Society to teach non-sectarian education (often by Nonconformist donations).

Church School: another name for National schools.

National School: a school originally established by the National Society to teach an Anglican education.

Non Provided School: term used by the 1902 Education Act to refer to Church schools (not funded by the rates).

Provided School: term used by the 1902 Education Act to refer to Board schools (funded by the rates).