Miscellaneous Collections


The most notable collections are listed below.

Catalogues for most collections in the B/X series appear below. There are some gaps as not all catalogues exist in electronic format.

B/X/1 to /165 [302KB]

B/X/171 to /202 [54KB]

B/X/203 to /216 [23KB]


Catalogues for most collections in the M/X series appear below. There are some gaps as not all catalogues exist in electronic format.

M/X/1 to /92 [1MB]

M/X/103 to /150 [274KB]

M/X/151 to /196 [635KB]

M/X/197 to /198 [1MB]

M/X/199 to /200 [16KB]

M/X/114 [53KB]

M/X/234 to /257 [65KB]

M/X/257 to /276 [31KB]


The most notable collections are listed below.

Catalogues for most collections in the R/X series appear below. There are some gaps as not all catalogues exist in electronic format.

R/X/3 to /70 [693KB]

R/X/71 to /129 [618KB]

R/X/131 to /164 [75KB]

R/X/165 to /209 [64KB]

R/X/223 to /245 [31KB]


The most notable collections are listed below.

Catalogues for most collections in the P/X series appear below. There are some gaps as not all catalogues exist in electronic format.

P/X/2 to /8 [33KB]

P/X/9 [66KB]

P/X/11 to /44 [1MB]

P/X/45 to /56 [44KB]

P/X/57 [9KB]

P/X/61 to /62 [9KB]